Service Delivery and Performance of Kenya Commercial Bank Limited: A Critical Review of Literature

  • Francis Chesaina
  • Esther Gitonga
Keywords: Service Delivery, Organization Performance, Commercial Banks in Kenya, Kenya Commercial Bank Limited


The overall goal of any business entity is to have the needs of customers satisfied. In the business world customers are the source of profit and revenue for the service organizations and improvements in service delivery leads to customer loyalty. Rapid developments in the business environment such as globalization have made organizations to adopt a spirit of completion and innovation so as to be able to meet the equally changing customer needs and expectations. In order to compete effectively, it has become essential for businesses to constantly improve on the quality of their products and services by marketing, product differentiation and cost reduction. The changes in the environment is forcing organizations to move from a retail model that emphasizes transaction processing and operational capabilities to one that focuses more effectively on the needs of customers, recognizing that they often vary across segments. In a move to optimize services and diminish costs, banks are regularly migrating towards a twenty four hour service where clients are enjoying the superior sense of independence that this creates. This study seeks to establish the effect of service delivery on performance of Kenya Commercial Bank Limited, Kenya. The review is based on SERVQUAL model Systems, Modelling Theory, Gaps Model of Service Quality and Theory of Performance. The literature reviewed indicates that service delivery by Kenya Commercial Bank improves organization performance. However, the specific service delivery channels and tools are noted to differ from one organization to the next. The level of service delivery will also be different and expected to influence organization performance. This is in line with SERVQUAL that requires assessing level and type of service delivery would lead to higher customer satisfaction and thus organization performance. The level of service quality in term of reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy and responsiveness are crucial to be studied. This review therefore recommends for an empirical study to assess how service delivery affects performance at KCB. KCB management is also recommended to put in place mechanisms of ensuring sustained service delivery and thus maintain above competition organization performance.

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Author Biographies

Francis Chesaina

School of Business, Kenyatta University

Esther Gitonga

School of Business, Kenyatta University

How to Cite
Chesaina, F., & Gitonga, E. (2019). Service Delivery and Performance of Kenya Commercial Bank Limited: A Critical Review of Literature. International Journal of Current Aspects, 3(II), 71-82.