Implementation of Electronic Medical Records for Service Delivery in Selected State Hospitals in Southwest Nigeria

  • Stephen Adekunle Ajayi
  • Peter Wamae
  • Daniel Wambiri Muthee
Keywords: Electronic Medical Records, Service Delivery, State Hospitals


Electronic Medical Records (EMR) is an important communications channel relating to patient health conditions. Unfortunately, many hospitals in Africa, including Nigeria, have not implemented EMR. The few Hospitals that have some level of EMR continues are still struggling with the use of paper and hybrid medical records, which has led to inadequate medical follow-up, medical error, and long waiting time for patients. A sample size of three hundred and ninety-seven (397) was determined using krejcie and morgan models, comprising of strategic managers, and the operational staff drawn from a population of 2889 in the selected hospitals. At the hospital level, purposive sampling was applied in picking strategic managers, while stratified random sampling was method was used to select operational health workers. Questionnaires were used for data collection. The study adopted a descriptive statistical analysis method to describe the existing medical records systems. The finding indicated that the systems in the hospitals are mainly paper-based. The hospitals are also using hybrid system with a few treatment areas having fully electronic medical records systems. In the area where EMR has been implemented, the finding indicates poor penetration of the EMR system, limited modules, staff readiness and poor performance in the treatment area, among others. The study concluded that hospitals that have implemented, EMR is not serving the classical purpose of medical record of supporting treatment and follow up. The study recommended that the selected hospitals should ensure there is the availability of fund, staff training, and technical infrastructures like electronic record managers, ICT support staff, and computer compatible medical devices, among others.

Author Biographies

Stephen Adekunle Ajayi

Department of Library and Information Science, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Peter Wamae

Department of Library and Information Science, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Daniel Wambiri Muthee

Department of Library and Information Science, Kenyatta University, Kenya

How to Cite
Ajayi, S., Wamae, P., & Muthee, D. (2021). Implementation of Electronic Medical Records for Service Delivery in Selected State Hospitals in Southwest Nigeria. International Journal of Current Aspects, 5(2), 75-94.