Strategy Implementation Practices and Performance of Selected Evangelical Churches in Nairobi City County, Kenya

  • Jenifer Timbomei
  • Shadrack Bett
Keywords: Organizational Structure, Resource Allocation, Top Management Commitment, Organizational Culture, Strategy Implementation, Performance of Evangelical Churches in Nairobi City County, Kenya


Every entity seeks accomplish its set goals, mandate and the reason for which it is established. The concept of organizational performance refers to the degree of achievement of the organization’s objectives, which is critical to its success and sustainability. The manner in which an organization implements its strategic plan largely determines the resultant success in the achievement of its strategic objectives. The primary objective of this study was to determine the influence of strategy implementation practices on the performance of select evangelical churches within Nairobi County. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate how organizational structure influences performance; examine the influence of resource allocation on overall performance; to establish the extent to which top management commitment affects performance and; to assess the influence of organizational culture on the performance of select evangelical churches in Nairobi City County. The variables of strategy implementation studied were organizational structure, resource allocation, top management commitment and organizational culture. The study was anchored on Burke and Litwin causal model and the Seven-S Model. The study adopted a descriptive research design and focused on a variety of respondents drawn from select evangelical churches within Nairobi City County - Christ is the Answer Ministries, Nairobi Baptist Church, Nairobi Chapel, and Parklands Baptist Church. The study targeted a population of 400 comprising of pastors, employees, church leaders, volunteers and members. A sample of 20% was applied generating a sample size of 80. Relevant data was gathered using structured questionnaires with both open and closed-ended questions. Qualitative data analysis involved explanation of information obtained from the empirical literature and required the use of numeric measures to the scores of the various responses. This was done with the aid of SPSS. The output of the analysis was presented in tables and charts, and interpretations made based on the research objectives. Generalizations of the results were made. The study established that organizational structure, resource allocation, top management commitment and organizational culture have a significant influence on the performance of evangelical churches. The study recommended that churches should develop organizational structures supportive of strategy implementation. It further recommended that the resources available should be focused on priority activities for optimum performance. In addition, the management should have a supportive and committed attitude towards strategy implementation to promote organizational success. It further recommended that churches create and uphold a positive institutional culture that supports high performance and effective implementation of the strategy.

Author Biographies

Jenifer Timbomei

School of Business, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Shadrack Bett

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya

How to Cite
Timbomei, J., & Bett, S. (2019). Strategy Implementation Practices and Performance of Selected Evangelical Churches in Nairobi City County, Kenya. International Journal of Current Aspects, 3(V), 103-122.