Exploration of Adoption of Information Communication Technology by Tourist Camps in Maasai Mara, Narok County, Kenya

  • Nicholas Lemashon Meyoki
  • Lucy Kavindah
Keywords: Financial Resources, Infrastructural Resources, Human Resources, Adoption of Information Communication Technology, Tourist Camps in Maasai Mara


The use of ICT in service and hospitality industry is intended to enhance delivery of goods and services in a timely and less costly manner. In consideration of ICT as one of the driving forces of globalization, it may deliver unique opportunities by mitigating on vise such as poaching eradication, terrorism, and poor service delivery, access to information, connectivity as well as access to new markets.  The importance of ICT to the economic development has long been recognized and yet tourist camps in Maasai Mara seem to be low in its adoption and use compared to other sectors or within the same sector elsewhere. The purpose of this study therefore was to explore ICT adoption by the Tourist Camps in Maasai Mara. This study was guided by three specific objectives. First is to establish Financial Resources that influences adoption of ICT by the tourist camps in Maasai Mara. Secondly is to determine infrastructural resources that influence adoption of ICT by the Tourist Camps in Maasai Mara. Thirdly is to investigate human resources and adoption of ICT by the Tourist Camps in Maasai Mara. The research utilized descriptive design and was limited to a population of 520 camps in from the Eight Conservancies in Maasai Mara, Narok County.The camps in the study includes both seasonal and permanent Camps. The study adopted a stratified random sampling where the population was grouped into stratus according to status that the camps belong to. The study utilized a formula that was proposed by Mugenda and Mugenda where ten percent of camps were taken from each stratum and their manager used as a respondent to constitute a study sample size of 520 respondents. In this regard, the respondents were the managers of these camps. The study utilized primary data that was gathered using semi structured questionnaire that contained open as well as closed-ended questions. Content validity of the data collection instrument was assessed by the researcher and the supervisor reviewing the items and adopting it from a similar study. On the other hand, the reliability was assessed by use of Chronbach’s alpha coefficient test. The investigator administered questionnaires to the respondents and in cases where the respondent was not available, drop and pick later method was adopted. The study used descriptive statistics in the analysis of the data, which included mean, standard deviation and distribution tables. The presentation of the results was done in various forms, including charts, graphs, and tables. The findings of the study indicated that the independent variables (Financial Resources, infrastructure, and Human Resources) were significant and that there was an association between them and ICT adoption (the dependent variable). The value of adjusted R squared in the final model shows that the percentage of variation of the adoption of ICT can be explained by the combination of the three variables. The research established that there was a significant effect of Financial Resources, infrastructure, Human Resources on ICT adoption by the Tourist Camps in Maasai Mara. Both empirical and statistical evidence proved that a relationship existed between these variables and ICT adoption by the Tourist Camps in Maasai Mara. The study recommends to the institutional infrastructure that supports adoption of information communication technology by the tourist camps.

Author Biographies

Nicholas Lemashon Meyoki

School of Business, Department of Business Administration, Kenya

Lucy Kavindah

School of Business, Department of Business Administration, Kenya

How to Cite
Meyoki, N., & Kavindah, L. (2019). Exploration of Adoption of Information Communication Technology by Tourist Camps in Maasai Mara, Narok County, Kenya. International Journal of Current Aspects, 3(VI), 291-308. https://doi.org/10.35942/ijcab.v3iVI.90