Examining how Employee Characteristics, Workplace Conditions and Management Practices all combine to Support Creativity, Efficiency and Effectiveness
Many organizations in the 21st century are facing rapid change in business environment, technology, economic shocks and other emerging issues like globalization. Traditional approaches to management in regards to people, process and tasks are no longer sufficient in guaranteeing efficient, effective and productive operations in most organizations and as such, adaptable leadership is required. From the perspective of organization’s desire to understand and meet their employee’s physical, emotional and psychological needs, consideration for personality differences and workplace conditions is desired as they affect both creativity and performance. Besides occupational health requirements like space, and fresh air, other considerations for staff welfare including rewards, appropriate systems, procedures and relevant policies are critical in ensuring staff engagement. Management practices that affect productivity and creativity in organizations include collaborative technology, diversity, culture and organizational structures. As brought out in the critical review of literature, there is evidence showing that employee characteristics, strategic leadership and flexible working all play an important role in supporting and encouraging innovation, desire for efficiency and effectiveness.
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