Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance at Finlays Kenya Limited in Kericho County, Kenya

  • Charles Kiprono Korir
  • Priscillah Ndegwa, Dr
Keywords: Work Environment, Remuneration, Promotion, Training and Development, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance, Finlays Kenya


Employees in an organization have always been key assets and their departure could have significant effect on the implementation of the organization’s performance and may eventually cause a phenomenal decline in productivity. As such, employees’ job satisfaction is important in the long-term growth and success of a company. Employee satisfaction would ensure customer satisfaction and effective succession planning. The productivity and efficiency of human resource depend upon a number of dynamic factors which range from personal factors to organizational policies. Job satisfaction being one of the very most important factors which impact the productivity of human resources. Human resource is therefore one of the most important assets in any organization which serves as an engine in the organization for providing a sustainable source of energy and service delivery. This study sought to establish the relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance at Finlays Kenya Limited. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the influence of work environment, remuneration, promotions and training and development on employee performance at Finlays Kenya Limited. The study was anchored on Hertzberg’s Two Factor Theory, Locke’s Range of Affect Theory and Maslow’s theory. The job characteristics model has also been used to anchor the study. The study used descriptive research design. The target population of this study comprised of permanent employees at Finlays Kenya Limited who total to 641 ranging from engineers, accountants, high level managers, middle level managers and supervisors. Stratified random sampling was used to select the sample size of 128 which is 20 percent of the total study population. The validity of this research employed the econometric technique to establish the relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance at James Finlays Kenya Limited. Cronbach's Alpha was used to measure the co-effective of internal consistency and in this way reliability of the instrument. Primary data was collected using a semi structured questionnaire administered to respondents. Data collected was analysed through descriptive and inferential statistics by the use of SPSS. Findings were presented by use of tables, frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation. The findings of the study will be useful to the manufacturing and service industry players. The study concluded that job satisfaction has a significant direct influence on employees’ performance. Salary and other rewards constitute the most important element of job satisfaction besides promotions/job position which enables employees to do the job and meet their expectations. At the same time, leadership is necessary for employees’ performance with senior managers at prime position to influence performance of their employees through job satisfaction. The researcher therefore recommends that, organizations should invest highly on training and development of their employees, their remunerations, and promotions as well as improve their working conditions in order to realize the desired employees’ output.

Author Biographies

Charles Kiprono Korir

School of Business, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Priscillah Ndegwa, Dr

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, School of Business, Kenyatta University, Kenya


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How to Cite
Korir, C., & Ndegwa, P. (2020). Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance at Finlays Kenya Limited in Kericho County, Kenya. International Journal of Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2(2), 82-97.