Assessment of the Influence of Selected Procurement Practices on the Performance of Devolved Government Units in Kenya: A Case of Machakos County Government

  • Diana Mutete Mutuku
  • Nickson Lumwagi Agusioma
  • Julius Wambua
Keywords: Procurement Practices, Contract Management Practices, Procurement Policies Practices


In the devolved units in Kenya, despite the formulation of strategic plans, majority of the counties remain underdeveloped with the employees remaining reluctant thus citizens’ demand for better services remain un met. The devolved systems of governments in Kenya have also  been experiencing major challenges in the execution of procurement practices. Counties continue to be criticized for corruption cases, stalled projects, under-development and massive wastage of public resources. All these aspects have been strongly linked to weak procurement management practices which raises concern. The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of contract management practices and procurement policies practices, on performance of Machakos County government. The methodology was descriptive research design that guided the study. The study was carried out in County government offices. The target population and unit of observations was 77 employees in procurement department in Machakos County comprising of senior managers and procurement employees, head of other departments as well budget committee members who were selected using a purposeful sampling approach. Data for the study was collected using questionnaires which were self-administered. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis using SPSS version 24. Tables and figures were used in presenting the data. The study found out that Contract Monitoring and, Procurement policies had a positive influence on the performance of Machakos County. The study also concluded that for Machakos County to perform, the procurement department must be able to properly implement, monitor and evaluate these practices. The study recommends that the management of the county to improve on the level of compliance with procurement regulations compliance.

Author Biographies

Diana Mutete Mutuku

Student, Master of Science in Supply Chain Management, Multimedia University, Kenya

Nickson Lumwagi Agusioma

Lecturer, Multimedia University, Kenya

Julius Wambua

Lecturer, Multimedia University, Kenya


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How to Cite
Mutuku, D., Agusioma, N., & Wambua, J. (2021). Assessment of the Influence of Selected Procurement Practices on the Performance of Devolved Government Units in Kenya: A Case of Machakos County Government. International Journal of Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 3(3), 18-31.